
May 11, 2024

图片来源:Kris Qua


上周六,奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院举行了第144届毕业典礼, May 11, 2024, at 1 p.m. at the Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC) in Saratoga Springs, New York.




  • 238 毕业生总数: 290 授予学位
  • 128 doctorates*, 114 bachelor’s, 32 master’s and 16 授予双学士/硕士学位 

*More than 40% of students receiving doctorates are also receiving a bachelor’s degree

  • 学生来自 12 countries, 21 states, and one U.S. 领土(波多黎各)
  • 22-54 -学生年龄
  • 10% (26 students) will stay at ACPHS for a further degree

For Students

As you make the bittersweet transition from college student to new grad, there are many benefits afforded you as an ACPHS alum. 了解更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台强大的社区 应届毕业生和校友 and help us gather information about your plans following graduation via the 第一目的港调查. ACPHS收集这些信息是为了支持学术课程的持续改进,并遵守《全球十大赌博靠谱的平台》.

As a thank-you for completing the 第一目的港调查, you will be sent a 5美元亚马逊电子邮件积分 so be sure to enter your name and email address correctly.

要了解更多信息,请查看 2023届第一个目的地信息 on the 学生及消费者资料 page.

我们很荣幸地欢迎2024届毕业生来到 书院校友社区. 如果你对校友活动有任何疑问, benefits, events, 机会, 以及保持联系和支持ACPHS的方法, please 电子邮件


Mark Shaefer
Mark Shaefer

Mark Shaefer, PharmD, FCCP served as the 2024 Commencement speaker. Shaefer is a veteran in the field of HIV and antiviral pharmaceuticals. He was one of the earliest members and helped guide the formation of 欢悦医疗. His intensive pharmaceutical experience is complemented by expertise in clinical pharmacy, 教学, and research.

“我们非常高兴地欢迎. 作为我们2024年毕业典礼的演讲嘉宾,”ACPHS教授兼总裁Toyin Tofade说. “他在药剂学,特别是艾滋病研究和制药方面的广泛教育和专业经验将真正激励我们的毕业生-医疗保健领域的未来领导者。.” 

Shaefer在HIV和抗病毒药物方面的制药生涯始于Burroughs Wellcome,他在那里从事阿昔洛韦和伐昔洛韦的研究, and then moved to Glaxo Wellcome to oversee HIV clinical trials. 他晋升到葛兰素史克, 在接下来的九年里,他的专业知识使他担任了更高级的职位,包括集团董事和代理副总裁. At GSK, Shaefer facilitated merger integration activities and later, 作为代理副总统, 他领导了美国艾滋病项目, 共同主持了美国商业战略小组, and represented HIV interests on the North American Medical Executive team.

In 2009, Shaefer left GSK to join 欢悦医疗 during its founding. There he led development efforts for a long-acting injectable integrase compound for HIV, 为公司上市做准备, 成为ViiV的三位医疗事务主管之一. 在最初的职位上工作了五年之后, he progressed to a position as global medical lead for Cabotegravir, a long-acting injectable drug for treatment and prevention of HIV. He retired briefly at the beginning of the COVID pandemic but returned to work for Hengrui, 中国一家大型制药公司,并帮助在美国成立了卢萨纳生物技术公司. There he was head of antivirals and worked on the non-oncology portion of the portfolio. He left Luzsana in August 2022 to pursue independent consulting.

谢弗还在内布拉斯加大学担任助教和副教授, 在超过75份同行评审的出版物上广泛发表,并作为多家行业期刊的审稿人受到重视.

他持有the University of California at San Diego的生物学学士学位和the University of California at San Francisco的药学博士学位. 谢弗在内布拉斯加大学医学中心完成了临床药学实习.


Charles“Chuck”Middleton毕业于奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院,获得药学博士学位和药学技能轨道药学科学学士学位. 他在ACPHS担任多个领导职务,包括担任男子足球队队长三年, president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHSP) campus chapter, and vice-president of the ACPHS Student-Athlete Advisory Committee. 毕业后, Chuck will pursue a PGY-1 pharmacy residency at the Syracuse VA Medical Center in Syracuse, NY.



Del Vecchio is President and Chief Executive Officer of MVP Health Care. 作为一名医疗保健主管, 他是创新和系统变革的催化剂,不知疲倦地工作,使患者的生活更轻松,更好.

在加入MVP之前, 他曾担任医疗保健组织的首席执行官近30年. 他是一位极富远见的战略家, Del Vecchio在医疗保健和技术领域也是一名成功的企业家和顾问.

在他的指导下, MVP因领导有影响力的区域社区联盟和致力于合作解决问题而获得认可. 从获得MVP球馆的冠名权到在纽约州各地建造健身球场, he exemplifies MVP’s unwavering dedication to customer-centric care.

Del Vecchio持有ACPHS的药剂学学士学位和Union College的卫生系统MBA学位.

Leigh A. Briscoe-Dwyer
Leigh A. Briscoe-Dwyer ' 87,药学博士,BSPharm, BCPS

前ACPHS董事会受托人. Dwyer is the system director of pharmacy for the UHS Hospitals System in Johnson City, NY. 

She is currently president-elect of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, the largest association of pharmacy professionals in the United States. She will then serve for one year as president and one year as immediate past president.

Dr. Dwyer在纽约州立大学石溪分校(SUNY Stony Brook)担任HIV和传染病临床专家,并在药学实践的各个领域工作, 包括制药行业, with most of the last 20 years in pharmacy leadership roles.  

她持有奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院的药学学士学位,以及St. 约翰的大学. 

更多全球十大赌博靠谱的平台博士的信息. 布里斯科-德怀尔,读她的 ASHP详细介绍.

Real Duteau

Real Duteau is a consultant in the financial pharmaceutical industries.

最近,Duteau在Teva Pharmaceuticals和Novopharm Ltd .担任高级领导职务. 在加拿大多伦多.

He began his pharmaceutical career with Ayerst Labs in Rouses Point, New York. 正是在那里,杜多与ACPHS校友合作, 大卫·福克斯58年, to support the development of a manufacturing process for Advil. 他还在纽约和佛蒙特州的许多零售药店兼职,并最终在纽约亨利港购买了一家药店, 他维持了很多年吗.

他在制药行业的职业生涯中, 他敏锐地意识到,研究和制造领域缺乏必要的药剂师来完成所需的工作. 这导致了与ACPHS院长和院长的讨论,以建立一个制药科学课程,为制药工业提供药剂师. 这次合作最终成为该学院制药科学学士学位和理学硕士学位的基础.



Morgan Gerber

制药专业的学生 Morgan Gerber, a self-taught baker, made the cake for President Tofade's Inauguration. 她的副业在校园里一直是半秘密的,直到活动和黑豹队见识了她的作品.


通过与昭和大学的协议,ACPHS学生可以在东京完成临床轮转. After a four-year hiatus due to COVID-19, the rotation has been reinstated. 海东·Tsutsui和Atalya Morgan were the first two ACPHS pharmacy students to return to Japan in May 2023. Tsutsui intends to work as a pharmacist in Japan in the future. 学生们比较了两国医疗系统的差异,并对美国医疗系统中较高的自付费用表示担忧. The opportunity allows for professional growth in a different cultural setting.

药店+ Z世代=播客

在8月份发布的PharmZ播客中, 奥斯汀·勒沃克和迪伦·纳普 banter about life as Gen-Zers going through pharmacy school and contemplating their futures.


在500多个旋转中 PharmD学生 可以在当地的大麻药房选一个吗. ACPHS was likely the first in New York to offer such a rotation, which allows budding pharmacists to practice at the top of their license.

Gianna Franco

Act I: The Stage Goes Dark It happened during the last run of a long day’s rehearsal. Gianna Franco 在曼哈顿的天才无限高中读11年级,是保罗·泰勒舞蹈团的一员. A natural talent pursuing her calling, she never thought twice about her next step.

Ryan Haak

当他获得宾州接力赛的参赛资格时, Ryan Haak 24队从没想过能打进决赛. 但他有史以来最好的比赛让他做出了一个决定:为自己参加全国精英水平的比赛, 或者和他的球队一起赢得USCAA的胜利?


Shloka Suresh Sahetya

Shloka Suresh Sahetya 来自一个药剂师家庭. She chose ACPHS for her own pharmacy education to experience life outside her native India, 在紧密团结的校园的支持下. She has made strong friendships and supported DEI efforts.


P4 Student Ellis Simerly discovered his career path in part through involvement in campus activities. 他分享了自己对全力以赴的价值的看法,一旦你找到了最适合你的团队. “你的选择成就了你,”他说.


布兰妮Mbeng ’21 holds a bachelor of science in pharmaceutical sciences, 辅修公共卫生, 她正在攻读药学博士学位. 她在巴西长大, then enrolled in the pharmacy program at ACPHS but was unsure if it was right for her. 过去一年里, 她发现她可以将这个领域与她对服务社区和沟通帮助他人的热情结合起来.


萨曼莎马里昂 是药学专业的大四学生吗, 住宿助理, thrower on the track team and vice president of the Phi Delta Chi pharmacy fraternity. She shares what she has learned through participation in Greek Life.

Desirea Harder-Neely

Desirea Harder-Neely came to ACPHS with two bachelor's degrees under her belt, 想帮她申请医学院. She found a supportive community and a place to call home for perhaps a few more years.


Though he originally visited ACPHS to prepare for med school, 乔纳森将于5月获得公共卫生学士学位,并将继续攻读该领域的硕士学位. Learn how his experience here cemented his commitment to public health.


硕士学生 兰德勒·汤普森 '24 has spent four years contributing to work that seeks a new pathway to cure HIV. He has taken the potential impact of the work seriously, 问自己, “如果我只贡献一小步呢??"


查尔斯(查克)米德尔顿 是2024届药学博士候选人吗. 在ACPHS工作的六年里, he has been captain of the men's soccer team for three years, 美国卫生系统药剂师协会校园分会主席,学生运动员咨询委员会副主席. 毕业后,他将成为纽约州锡拉丘兹退伍军人医疗中心的一名药房居民.

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